Sunday, November 25, 2007

Fairtrade conference


Ive just had a great week! Three days of discussion and inspiring talks for and about the Ghanaian Fairtrade plantations Joint Bodies! The J.B's are the ones who plan and implement the Social Premium (workers and management) that the producers are guaranteed when their products are sold with the Fairtrade label! It has been great to see what the Premium have been invested in, but also what kind of obstacles that the J.B's might fase..

I will soon post some photos from this event! I have now meet representatives from all Fairtrade certified plantations in Ghana, which is so cool, and on wednesday im going for a 2 days expedition to a pineapple plantation to see it in reality..

This is just to good to be true! Everyone are very helpful and are just dying to let us western consumers know how the Social Premium is being invested and how their working conditions are.

That was all for now, Tema is warm and friendly and i start to like Ghana more and more for each day that passes! Emilie

1 comment:

Kajsa O said...

Emilie! Låter ju som allt är toppen, roligt! och snygg i ghana-kläder är du också. Blir så pepp av att läsa om dina bravader. Kan glädja dig med den något komplexa informationen att det säljs fairtradejuice i kafeterian på wto. Mycket max haavelar i det här landet, bra bra. tre veckor till hemfärd för mig, lite trist. inte klar med geneve. men man kan väl komma tillbaka. Ta hand om dig vännen. stora kramar