Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Arriving in Mumbai.

So I’m back!
Oliver in Colaba, central Mumbai will be my base until I’m moving out to IIPS, the Indian Institute for Population Sciences, in the suburb Deonar. Yesterday I managed on my own (and as only white) take the local train to Bandra, for a visit at Ylvas favorite shop - Cottons! Where I got to start on my Indian wardrobe. Staying in Colaba though makes you go crazy, yes its where all the backpackers stay and you can’t walk through the streets without being approached ten times as - Madame, you wanna buy?
The humidity makes me seriously think about getting some Indian hair oil as of now my hair is flowing everywhere. Yesterday I saw one of the Indian albinos, well the truly show amongst the other Indians, the dress and look the same but are whiter then me. Last night when walking home from the famous restaurant Leopold’s I passed by an Indian girl totally dressed in a, well lets just say western way, just as I was dressed in my newlybought Indian punjab.. well i guess both of us looked alittle bit opposite of what you might expect from an Indian and a Swede.

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